Media Encoding Performance & Power Consumption (Continued)

The standings don't change much in our QuickTime test, with Intel taking top honors. The 5000+ chips are tied for performance but the 65nm chip uses quite a bit less power. Performance per watt echoes the performance chart, but the 90nm 5000+ drops to the bottom, with everything lower than the 4600+ EE clustering close together.

Quicktime 7.1 (H.264) Encoding Performance

Quicktime 7.1 (H.264) Encoding Power Usage

Quicktime 7.1 (H.264) Encoding Performance per Watt

Our iTunes test is the first place where we see a small difference between AMD's 90nm and 65nm cores, in this case the older core has an advantage of just over 2%. The highest performer is clearly the E6600, followed by the E6400. The E6300's lower clock speed puts it in between the X2 5000+ and 4800+.

Power consumption is the same old story, with AMD's EE SFF chip drawing the least power while the 90nm X2 5000+ pulls the most. The rest of the contenders basically use about the same amount of power.


Looking at performance per watt, once again we have the E6600 and E6400 out on top, and the Brisbane cores tie with the E6300 in the middle of the pack.

iTunes (MP3) Encoding Performance

iTunes (MP3) Encoding Power Usage

iTunes (MP3) Encoding Performance per Watt

Media Encoding Performance & Power Consumption 3D Rendering Performance & Power Usage
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