Final Words

AMD itself stated that it sees the future of microprocessor design as taking two approaches: one for performance and scalability, largely dictated by the server market, and one coming out of the mobile space; the desktop CPUs would scale up and down from the two design points. 

We all know very well that the K8 was designed for performance and scalability, so is a new north bridge, memory controller and better power management enough to make it a mobile core?  Or would Griffin have benefited from a truly ground up design, similar to what Intel did when it revamped the P6 core?  It's tough to say how much more efficiency could be extracted from the K8 if AMD tried.

That being said, there are some impressive improvements to the chip that should yield significant power savings.  The revised memory controller and HT interface from Barcelona are welcome additions, but the support for independent voltages per CPU core is particularly impressive. 

Platform features like PowerXPress sound gimmicky today but could be significant if well implemented; unfortunately it looks like we've got at least a year to wait before we find out for sure. 


As a side note, you may remember that AMD seemed particularly cautious about sharing too much about its plans for Barcelona/Phenom.  AMD stated that it didn't want to clue Intel in on what it had up its proverbial sleeve.  However, with Griffin not scheduled for release as late as the middle of 2008, we can't help but wonder if all arms of AMD believe the same things, or if AMD is simply giving us excuses for why we don't get more information today. 

At least we know what's coming, and Griffin/Puma look to be AMD's best attempt at mobile computing yet.  Whether or not it will be enough to dent Centrino is another matter entirely. 

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  • Goty - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link

    I agree with your points here, but it might have come down to an issue of time and manpower. Intel probably has teams of engineers sitting around twiddling their thumbs just waiting for something to do while AMD probably has everyone working around the clock. It's probably more a result of resources than anything.
  • TA152H - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link


    I think you're right, but a product like that could make a big difference too. It would be so different than anything out there, and have such advantages for the market it is designed for, I think it is something they should have looked at.

    I guess what's so disappointing for me is they mentioned that they were going to try a completely new design for it, and then they just did another iteration of the K8 and took a branch from there. I don't think they can seriously differentiate themselves from the Core 2 line, and I think they have to. Intel is so much better in manufacturing, if AMD retains design parity, or something close, I don't know how they are going to be successful. I think Fusion is a good idea, but I don't think it's enough and I don't think it would be hard for Intel to duplicate, because as you say, they have the resources.

    Besides, they have the K6, they'd have to increase the memory interface, improve the decoders, and tweak little things here and there, but it's a great processor. Remember how disappointed everyone was when the K7 couldn't beat it clock normalized for integer and it was beating the Katmais that were 50 MHz faster? This with the putrid VIA MVP3 chipset that had horrible memory performance. It was a really good design.

    I am also wondering why they still have such strong x87 in the Athlons. Why even bother these days, particularly with the mobile part. Put in a tiny non-pipelined version for compatibility, and save the space for something more useful. x87 isn't even supported in x86-64 mode, so it's clearly a dead technology.
  • LoneWolf15 - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link


    The Centrino brand simplified notebook purchasing and quickly became a mark associated with a notebook you wanted to buy.

    Maybe it did for Joe Sixpack, but it ticks me off. Centrino tells me nothing about what kind of processor is in a system, it just tells me that the system has a wireless card (of some sort, Intel branded but who-knows-which-model). Centrino could mean Pentium-M (Banias or Dothan), Celeron-M, or Core Solo. Centrino Duo at least tells me a system is dual-core, but not whether it's Core Duo or Core 2 Duo (or possibly "Pentium Dual Core", that relabeled Core Duo Intel is putting out in limited quantities). You call this simple? I sure don't.

    I can't stand this marketing trend. There is very little way to "at-a--glance", know exactly what you are getting in a given laptop. It's just one more buzzword to know, when just saying the laptop has WiFi (which 95% do at this point) and an Intel xxx processor running at such-an-such a speed would be useful. And it looks like it gets review sites like Anandtech sucked into buzzword bingo in the process.
  • IntelUser2000 - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link


    Centrino could mean Pentium-M (Banias or Dothan), Celeron-M, or Core Solo. Centrino Duo at least tells me a system is dual-core, but not whether it's Core Duo or Core 2 Duo (or possibly "Pentium Dual Core", that relabeled Core Duo Intel is putting out in limited quantities). You call this simple? I sure don't.

    Actually, Celeron M based laptops can't be certified as Centrino. Here is the chart from Intel:">

    And you can further differentiate the single core Centrinos from the dual cores. Dual core versions are Centrino Duo, and single core ones are Centrino. It looks like even the logo can be different for Core Solo compared to Pentium M.
  • acejj26 - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link

    power consumption is linear with respect to frequency and quadratic with respect to voltage, not exponential
  • elpresidente2075 - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link

    You do know that they are one in the same in this instance, right?
  • Goty - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link

    x^2 is quadratic, a^x is exponential (a being some constant).

    Big difference.
  • JarredWalton - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link

    a^x is indeed exponential... and yet, x could be something like... 2! :)
  • Seer - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link

    The OP is right and you're completely wrong. I came on here to post the very same message.

    The definition of x in this case is that it is a variable. If both x and a were'd just have a single number. There would be no relationship. Go back to Algebra I if you truly don't understand this.
  • goku - Friday, May 18, 2007 - link

    Seeing innovations like this where they're doing more with less just really makes me happy. It's nice to see that they're addressing power concerns and working towards having a powerful computer that also can be power conservative.

    While the hardware industry is getting more efficent, unfortunately the software industry is following the trend of the P4. Software is getting more and more inefficient and bloated while hardware is getting more efficient. It'd be nice if this trend would reverse and would start seeing better software written again..

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