PAR2 Multithreaded Archive Recovery Performance

Par2 is an application used for reconstructing downloaded archives. It can generate parity data from a given archive and later use it to recover the archive

Chuchusoft took the source code of par2cmdline 0.4 and parallelized it using Intel’s Threading Building Blocks 2.1. The result is a version of par2cmdline that can spawn multiple threads to repair par2 archives. For this test we took a 708MB archive, corrupted nearly 60MB of it, and used the multithreaded par2cmdline to recover it. The scores reported are the repair and recover time in seconds.

Data Recovery - par2cmdline 0.4 Multithreaded

The Athlon II X3 and X4 do very well here thanks to the test being quite parallelized. The dual core options are competitive though.


Sorenson Squeeze: FLV Creation

We're using Sorenson Squeeze to convert regular videos into Flash videos for use on websites.

Sorenson Squeeze Pro 5 - Flash Video Creation

The trend continues given the threaded nature of this test. The dual-core AMD chips are more competitive than usual here, they are significantly faster than the Pentium E6300.

WinRAR - Archive Creation

Our WinRAR test simply takes 300MB of files and compresses them into a single RAR archive using the application's default settings. We're not doing anything exotic here, just looking at the impact of CPU performance on creating an archive:

WinRAR 3.8 Compression - 300MB Archive

3dsmax & Cinebench Performance Gaming Performance
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  • Eeqmcsq - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    I'm surprised AMD will release a 95W TDP X6. I hope the clock speed sacrifice isn't too bad on those.
  • AmdInside - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    Dumb question but none of these processors will work on older AM2 plus motherboards?
  • Taft12 - Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - link

    Pardon the yelling, but this is the only answer that matters:


    Many old boards don't get BIOS updates. Some do, but you won't know until you check.
  • nubie - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    It all depends on the board and manufacturer bios support.

    If your motherboard is recent (within 1-2 years old), or has a bios update from the manufacturer, then it will work.

    Apparently some older boards don't have room on the bios chip to support AM2+ or AM3 processors as well as maintain backwards compatibility, it is a shame.

    (I probably just have the rare board that isn't upgradeable.)
  • nubie - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    Oops, you said AM2+ , but you spelled out the plus

    AM2+ is guaranteed to support AM3 processors.
  • Rand - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    I can't imagine why they wouldn't, their predecessors all did and there is nothing in the C3 stepping Phenom II's themselves that prevent it.
  • AmdInside - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    Well, I wasn't sure if these were AMD3 only or AM2/AM3 processors.
  • Slaimus - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    There are no such thing as AM3-only processors. AM3 processors work in AM3 and AM2+ boards.

    All AM3 motherboards are AM3-only, and will not work with AM2 processors.
  • Rand - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    What is the stock VCore on the X4 910e?
  • pattycake0147 - Monday, January 25, 2010 - link

    The link referencing hardware C1E on page 1 is broken.

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