NVIDIA Terminates GeForce Partner Program

Just as quickly as it came into being, NVIDIA’s GeForce Partner Program has come to an end. In a short article posted to their website today, NVIDIA’s Director of Product...

92 by Ryan Smith on 5/4/2018

HTC Teases Next Flagship Phone for May 23rd - HTC U12 Incoming?

HTC has begun to ramp up their marketing campaign for their next major smartphone release, teasing that they will be making a proper announcement on May 23rd. In an email...

36 by Ryan Smith on 5/3/2018

Spectre Watch: More Spectre-class CPU Vulnerabilities to be Announced Soon?

This morning has seen an interesting turn of events in the world of processor security. c't magazine has published an exclusive report stating that they got wind of a...

78 by Ryan Smith on 5/3/2018

CPU Design Guru Jim Keller Joins Intel; Completes CPU Grand Tour

For long-time AnandTech readers, Jim Keller is a name many are familiar with. The prolific microarchitectural engineer has been involved in a number of high-profile CPU & SoC projects...

71 by Ryan Smith on 4/26/2018

A Timely Discovery: Examining Our AMD 2nd Gen Ryzen Results

Last week, we published our AMD 2nd Gen Ryzen Deep Dive, covering our testing and analysis of the latest generation of processors to come out from AMD. Due to...

242 by Ian Cutress & Ryan Smith on 4/25/2018

Intel Wraps Up Spectre Patching, Partially Cancels Plans For 1st Gen Core & Core 2 Processors

Intel this week has published an update to their ongoing microcode guidance document. In the roughly 3 weeks since the last update, the company is offering some unexpectedly mixed...

27 by Ryan Smith on 4/4/2018

NVIDIA ARM SoC Roadmap Updated: After Xavier Comes Orin

As part of this week’s GTC 2018 keynote address, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang quickly touched upon the future of NVIDIA’s ARM SoC lineup. While the company no longer publicly...

43 by Ryan Smith on 3/29/2018

NVIDIA Pauses Self-Driving Vehicle Testing; Confirms DRIVE Wasn’t In Last Week’s Uber Collision

While not announced as part of this week’s GTC keynote, during the keynote itself word got out via Reuters that the company had suspended their active testing of their...

14 by Ryan Smith on 3/29/2018

Big Volta Comes to Quadro: NVIDIA Announces Quadro GV100

Along with today’s memory capacity bump for the existing Tesla V100 cards, NVIDIA is also rolling out a new Volta-based card for the Quadro family. Aptly named the Quadro...

22 by Ryan Smith on 3/27/2018

NVIDIA Develops NVLink Switch: NVSwitch, 18 Ports For DGX-2 & More

Back in 2016 when NVIDIA launched the Pascal GP100 GPU and associated Tesla cards, one of the consequences of their increased server focus for Pascal was that interconnect bandwidth...

22 by Ryan Smith on 3/27/2018

NVIDIA Bumps All Tesla V100 Models to 32GB, Effective Immediately

Update 05/24: NVIDIA has since reached out to us, informing us that their previous statement about 32GB cards replacing 16GB cards was in error, and that the 16GB V100...

7 by Ryan Smith on 3/27/2018

The NVIDIA GTC 2018 Keynote Live Blog

We're here at the San Jose Convention Center for NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference. Kicking off this first full day of events is of course NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang's keynote...

27 by Ryan Smith & Nate Oh on 3/27/2018

Expanding DirectX 12: Microsoft Announces DirectX Raytracing

To many out there it may seem like DirectX 12 is still a brand-new technology – and in some ways it still is – but in fact we’ve now...

34 by Ryan Smith on 3/19/2018

Microsoft Details Windows Machine Learning for Gaming

In a day filled with all sorts of game development-related API and framework news, Microsoft also has an AI-related announcement for the day. Parallel to today’s DirectX Raytracing announcement...

6 by Ryan Smith on 3/19/2018

Intel Publishes Spectre & Meltdown Hardware Plans: Fixed Gear Later This Year

Since the public revelation of the Meltdown and Spectre CPU vulnerabilities early this year, Intel has spent virtually the entire time in a reactionary mode, starting from the moment...

31 by Ryan Smith on 3/15/2018

Broadcom-Qualcomm Takeover Blocked By White House on National Security Grounds

Stepping into the increasingly wild saga that has been Broadcom’s efforts to purchase Qualcomm, the US government is now weighing in by issuing a new order to block the...

52 by Ryan Smith on 3/12/2018

Coming March 12th: Tom's Hardware versus AnandTech - Folding@Home Round 2

Way back in the year 2016 we held a friendly but none the less highly competitive cutthroat competition with our colleagues arch rivals over at sister Purch publication Tom’s...

7 by Ryan Smith on 3/9/2018

Qualcomm Announces Snapdragon 700 Series Platform: Carving Out A Niche for Sub-Premium

As part of their Mobile World Congress 2018 presentation this morning, Qualcomm is ever so slightly taking the wraps off of a new tier of Snapdragon platform SoCs. Dubbed...

40 by Ryan Smith on 2/27/2018

The Snapdragon 845 Performance Preview: Setting the Stage for Flagship Android 2018

In what has become an annual tradition for Qualcomm, the company has once again opened the doors of their San Diego headquarters to the press to take a preview...

140 by Ryan Smith & Andrei Frumusanu on 2/12/2018

Qualcomm Affirms Dozens of Carrier & Manufacturer Partnerships For 5G Trials & 2019 Product Launches

Hitting the wire today are a pair of announcements from Qualcomm, who is affirming the dozens of partnerships the company has inked both with carriers and handset manufacturers regarding...

22 by Ryan Smith on 2/8/2018

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