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  • wolrah - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    "The network will launch in 39 cities around the country (listed below)"

  • fancarolina - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    If you can copy and paste part of their press release you could at least include the information people want.

    Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Initial Major Metropolitan Area Deployment (Dec. 5, 2010)
    Akron, Ohio
    Athens, Georgia
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Baltimore, Maryland
    Boston, Massachusetts
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    Chicago, Illinois
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Columbus, Ohio
    Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, Dallas, Texas
    Denver, Colorado
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
    Houston, Texas
    Jacksonville, Florida
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Los Angeles, California
    Miami, Florida
    Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota
    Nashville, Tennessee
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    New York, New York
    Oakland, California
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    Orlando, Florida
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    Rochester, New York
    San Antonio, Texas
    San Diego, California
    San Francisco, California
    San Jose, California
    Seattle/Tacoma, Washington
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Tampa, Florida
    Washington, D.C.
    West Lafayette, Indiana
    West Palm Beach, Florida
  • PCTC2 - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    I'm in the coverage area for most of the places I travel, but now I'm just waiting for a LTE Mifi.
  • DanNeely - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    Verizon is launching their 4g service with non-abusive overage rates.

    If they do the same with LTE smartphones while still offering a $15ish plan for people who rarely use much data they'll have a winner.
  • Wayward - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    Doesn't sound like a very good deal when Sprint/Clear WiMax is unlimited.
  • ajp_anton - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    That's a lot of money for very little data.
    Also surprised at the "fully loaded network" speeds, and nothing on the maximum "up to" speeds they usually brag with. Hope it's normally a lot faster than that, otherwise I feel sorry for you guys as that's pretty much 3G speed...
  • Alexstarfire - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    Over 500KB/s is about 3G speed? Do you live inside the 3G tower? I've never seen a 3G test get over 200KB/s let alone anywhere near 5Mbps.
  • ncrubyguy - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    At my house I get 4.57 Mbps (570KB/s) but that's AT&T 3G not Verizon 3G.
  • ajp_anton - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    3Mbit/s is easily reached in the woods, 4-5 with good connection, on 3G for $15/month.
    For 4G, multiply speed by 10 and price by 4.

    Will hopefully get 4G soon to replace our DSL...
  • Alexstarfire - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    I have no idea how you guys could possibly have that on even AT&Ts network. The speed tests that I've seen across all networks show AT&T maxes at about 2.5Mbps with an average rate of about 1.5Mbps. Everyone else is well below that.
  • ajp_anton - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    America sucks at high speed internet.
  • StevoLincolnite - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    Just shows how poor the USA's 3G speeds really are... I obtain 27mbps on Aussie Telstra 3G (Out of a max of 48mbps).
  • absolyte - Thursday, December 2, 2010 - link

    "Over 500KB/s is about 3G speed? Do you live inside the 3G tower? I've never seen a 3G test get over 200KB/s"

    Yeah ))) I'm living in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia ))
    MTS & BeeLine(Vimpelcom) 3G net are pretty good )) not Verizon, but...

    usually about 200-300 KByte per sec, sometimes may be 400-450 KByte per sec.
    Limitations - 1Gb per 24 Hour. Next 24 hour you have new 1 Gb.
    Summary - 30-31 Gb in month.
    Price - 350 рублей, 350 RUR, near 12.5 $.

    you can connect me )) sorry my bad english )))
  • Osamede - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    You got that right. They are shooting themselves in the foot. This kind of pricing will only hinder adoption, which is incredibly stupid after investion billions to create the network.

    Not a shock - the telecoms industry is run be greedy idiots who learn nothing.
  • Conficio - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    so the Metropolitan area of Boston is covered, but the Airport in the center of the area is not?

    It all depends on what metropolitan area means. You can quote me on that :-)
  • Hrel - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    Wow, talk about overpriced. Wireless providers really are getting out of hand. Sprint has the right idea with the all you use talk/text/data for 50 bucks a month. I understand ATT/Verizon are bigger companies, but for all practical purposes coverage is the same. If Verizon could get an all you can eat deal going fro 60 bucks per month or so that'd be good. But this whole 100+ per month for fucking cell phones is outrageous. I REALLY want everyone who uses cell phones to just say ENOUGH and all together refuse to pay more than 60 bucks a month, only way it's ever gonna happen sadly.
  • scottaw - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    The connectivity people (whether it be wireless phones, internet both wired and unwired, and tv such as FIOS, cable, and satellite) are all living in a dreamland where there is no recession and people aren't trying to make ends meet.

    Seriously, $50 for 5GB?

    It's to the point where there's no room left for anyone to afford extra services. We're all already paying $100/mo for iphone service, $100/mo for tv + internet... it's painful.
  • RadioHead84 - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    What is the point of having a faster internet connection to watch videos and stream music on the go when you have a 5gb cap. Watching a few movies and streaming Pandora would put you over this cap, and even if it doesn't who wants to stress about using the internet too much?

    Unless their service blows Sprint's speeds and reliability out of the water, they will have some trouble.
  • basbrian - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    So, T-Mobile claims to have 4G using HSPA+ (The same 3G technology ATT has had in several major cities for over a year. Now, Verizon is making its shoddy claim with LTE. None of these technologies are 4G, and in case you care, the latency and reliability over cellular data connections is far from spectacular as well.

    I know some of my fellow neighbors are not the sharpest tools in the shed, but do they really think Americans are that... uneducated? We pay more and get slower speeds across the board for internet access. To make it worse, we are clueless. It is okay for a politician to lie. So, it is now okay for companies?

    How do we fix the problem? Simple, we all buy "4G" products and service, then sue the heck out of these companies when it does not meet the 4G spec... or we could all boycott our smart-phones =)
  • sinPiEqualsZero - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    You guys really need a press release section. I clicked on this hoping for some kind of performance evaluation or some other "anandtech-y" piece. Can't you put three tabs in the "Latest from Anandtech" section on the front: Daily Tech, Twitter, and Press Releases?

    Heck, anything other than letting them share space with your usual thoughtful analyses...
  • thebeastie - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    Aparently it isn't really 4G it is just what Verizion "called" it.
    Aparently it is more like Telstras 3+G aka nextG.
  • Gaucho Guapo - Thursday, December 2, 2010 - link

    Isn't real 4G supposed to be 100 mgs per second? It's an overpriced blatant marketing lie. So what else is new and also a lie? Like the Texans winning the Superbowl this year....
  • JoYu - Thursday, December 2, 2010 - link

    Everyone seems to be forgetting these prices are for USB modems... The current price per month for 5GB is $59.99, so the new price is actually CHEAPER then it was before, I'm hoping that we will still get unlimited cell phone access for the same $30 we are paying now, but we all know that is not going to happen. I absolutely refuse to pay a premium for something that is not going to available in my area for years though (Sprint + EVO, donno if they finally changed their 4G plan).

    Personally I would be willing to pay a $10 premium (cell phone plan) for 4G if it covered the same area as 3G, and last I heard that is not going to be complete until 2013.
  • j.harper12 - Thursday, December 2, 2010 - link

    This will have marginally better speeds than my Clear connections, but cost twice as much for a more limited service... am I getting this right?

    I pay $50/mo for two unlimited connections, price guaranteed for life, unlimited down and 1mbps up.

    Good job Verizon, another over-priced service offering. Sure you'll still nab plenty of business accounts though.
  • j.harper12 - Thursday, December 2, 2010 - link

    Ohh... and I don't have a download cap.
  • blueboy_10 - Thursday, December 23, 2010 - link

    I was seriously considering getting a Droid X from Verizon now that my contract has run out, but I'm going to wait until 4G LTE phones are out by at least June 2011. In this way, I'll have the tech went LTE comes out hopefully in late 2011 (here's hoping) for my area (Greenville-Spantanburg, SC). And BTW, the Droid X does NOT support 4G simply b/c there isn't a chip in there to support it in the first place. Don't believe those Verizon sales reps for one second!! - BLUEBOY

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